I'm pleased to announce that the 2017 edition of SCBWI's The Book will contain a new section entitled Copyright for Writers and Illustrators. Sample contracts will also be included with the article. Those samples are also available on this site.

More PDFs!

More PDFs from the Legal Issues in the Music Industry textbook have been added to the Downloads page. They include sample contracts & licenses, a description of the §106 rights & most importantly, the Four Roles in the Music Business. Impress your friends and fool your enemies by knowing the difference between the publishing and the label side of the business.

Will's new business

Will Baten, the illustrator for Otto the Octopus, has opened a new business: Lunisolar Creative Productions, LLC.
Visit Will & Katie at

Agora Borealis

Otto on sale at our first retailer:
The Agora Borealis
421 Lake St.
Shreveport LA 71101

Bulk sales of Otto's book

otto at computers

If you're interested in bulk sales of Otto's book, please contact us.
Feel free to phone or email, but all of Otto’s calls go through me.

Otto & I thank you.

Otto T. Octopus

Mark J. Davis
(318) 773-7864

My first children's book

My first children's book
Otto the Octopus Goes to the Doctorpus is now available on Amazon.

Otto the Octopus loves doing everything a young octopus loves to do like skateboarding, riding his seahorse, searching for pirate treasure, ice skating (upside down) and swinging from the sea monkey bars.
He has 7 misadventures and breaks his legs, so he has to see the Doctorpus and the Sting-Radiologist who help him get better.
When his casts come off, physical therapy makes him stronger than before, so he can get back to playing tangleball and helping his mom cook minnow-stroni soup.

Baskerville 11 Published

The eleventh edition of the Music Business Handbook and Career Guide by Tim Baskerville has been released.

Check out the textbook at:

and the Companion Website for Students: